Sunday, May 16, 2010

Stem cell treatments making a big difference in the life of Janesville teen

Kyle Knopes

  • 16-year-old Kyle Knopes from Janesville, Wisconsin traveled half way around the world to China to receive stem cell injections
  • Kyle is diagnosed with the genetic neuromuscular disorder that affects the part of his nervous system that controls voluntary muscle movement
  • Kyle received stem cells from umbilical cord blood
  • He received the stem cells through an IV with a group of other international patients
  • He received eight stem cell injections that have improved his quality of life living with Type 2 spinal muscular atrophy.

This story really caught my attention. It was interesting to read about a teenager get stem cell injections. I thought it was great that he was able to get the money he needed to get the injections in order for him to lead a normal life. It was pretty cool how he was able to meet people his age from all around the world that had the same problem as him, so he had people to relate to. There is a big controversy over stem cells, but they can always help people, just like Kyle.

"Stem Cell Treatments Making a Big Difference in the Life of Janesville Teen." China Stem Cell News. 27 July 2009. Web. 16 May 2010. ./

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