Sunday, May 16, 2010

Portrait in DNA: Can forensic analysis yield police-style sketches of suspects?

  • Modern day detectives can identify a lot of information about a person just by their genetic code
  • forensic profiling is edging toward the capability to create a police-artist-style sketch of an unknown person by reading traits inscribed in the genome
  • Daniele Podini of George Washington University is developing a forensic kit to determine a suspect’s eye and hair color, sex and probable ancestry by analyzing 50 to 100 genetic markers
  • Having more to go on than ancestry is the goal of programs such as the DNA Initiative of the National Institute of Justice, which funds research into alternative genetic markers for forensic use
This story was very interesting. Genetics has always interested me, so when I saw this article, it caught my eye. I didn't know that people could find out so much about a person just from one genetic code. I'm very into forensic science, so this was interesting to me. I would definitely recommend this story to anyone who wants to be a detective or who is into forensic science.

Soares , By Christine. "Portrait in DNA: Can Forensic Analysis Yield Police-style Sketches of Suspects?: Scientific American. Science News, Articles and Information | Scientific American. Scientific American, 11 May 2010. Web. 16 May 2010.

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