Monday, May 17, 2010

Learning About Sex From an Elegant Worm

c. elegans worm

  • C. elegans is a tiny worm less than a millimeter in length and completely transparent. Its reproductive organs make up over half its cells
  • Homologous chromosomes remain locked together until they are pulled apart into opposite daughter cells
  • To guard against mistakes during meiosis, all sexually reproducing organisms employ checkpoints at which cell division may be halted and effective cells made to self-destruct through programmed cell death (apoptosis)
This story is very informative to help explain more about meiosis. I liked it because it really helped me understand meiosis better. It would be helpful for anyone that would want to lean more about meiosis and what processes an organism goes through. I think this article can really help me in biology class because now I have a better understanding of meiosis and I'm not as confused as I was before. I'm not very interested in this subject, but I would recommend this article to anyone that is interested in biology.

Preuss, Contact: Paul. "Research News: Learning About Sex From an Elegant Worm."Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. 15 Dec. 2005. Web. 17 May 2010.

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