Henry's mother
- The article was written to inform people of a disease called Fanconi Anemia, which is extremely rare.
- pre-implantation genetic diagnosis = PGD
- A field that developed in the wake of in vitro fertilization
- Henry had a disease called faconi
- Fanconi anemia is extremely rare
- It is a recessive disorder; Laurie and Allen, unknowingly, were carriers of type C
- During IVF treatments, sperm and egg are united in a lab to form a human embryo
- A transplant of umbilical-cord-blood stem cells from an HLA-matched sibling had an 85 percent chance of repairing Henry's immune and blood production systems; a transplant from an unrelated donor then had little chance of working
My biology class prepared me for this article because I had a clear understanding of genetic testing. We studied genetic testing and learned how today’s technology would allow us to see our entire DNA mapped out. The family in the article used genetic testing to try and save their son!
"An Effort to save One Child Starts a Longer Journey | HeraldTribune.com." Sarasota Florida News, Sarasota Weather, Sports and Business | HeraldTribune.com | Sarasota Herald-Tribune. 02 Apr. 2010. Web. 19 May 2010. http://www.heraldtribune.com/article/20100402/ARTICLE/4021009/2055/NEWS?Title=An-effort-to-save-one-child-starts-a-longer-journey&tc=ar
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